Skin tone cosmetics

At RE SKIN, we see no reason to differentiate products based on skin tone.

When it comes to skin care, one must pay attention to the needs of all people's skin, because the basic structure of the skin is the same for all people.

Here are the key differences and characteristics: All ethnic groups have approximately the same number of pigment cells in the skin, called melanocytes. However, their activity, structure and grouping are different. For example, the pigment grains that are formed in the melanocytes are more finely and evenly distributed in the darker type, while they are grouped densely together in the lighter type.

Lighter skin offers little protection against UV radiation, but it is able to form the sun's vitamin D in the skin when there is little sun exposure, even in areas of the world with low sun intensity. Dark skin contains a high concentration of melanin and is therefore less sensitive to UV radiation and other visible signs of UV damage, such as wrinkles and changes in skin texture. The higher oil content of darker skin also helps protect the skin from signs of aging and causes it to age several years later than lighter skin. The top layer of skin, the horny layer, is also denser and more compact in dark skin types than in light skin. Your middle layer of skin, the dermis, is also thicker, and thus the connective tissue cells are larger and more active than those of lighter skin. However, the ceramide and lipid content - responsible for moisture and renewal of the skin's protective barrier - is lower in dark skin. It is therefore more prone to dryness.

anti-aging creams

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